At our Studios we explore, build and embed to change the future.

Nua Studios Workspace
Nua Studios Office Munich

Our focus in collaboration is to create long-term visions and sustainable solutions.

With our holistic approach, we create opportunities to meet the challenges of today's world.

We are here to support you and your team from asking questions to running successful operations.

For our projects we leverage a large array of services and capabilities

Nua Solutions

With efficient teams and cutting-edge product development methods we build innovative individual solutions based on client visions and user needs.

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Nua Consulting

Our consultants support you to identify, validate, and pursue innovative ideas, effective digital product strategies and impactful digital business models.

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Nua Labs

You want to explore new technologies or find innovative solutions to your requirements? In our Labs we prototype, build and craft hands-on ideas and products.

Coming soon...

How can we support you?

What we build

  • Mobile Apps & Web Applications
  • Websites & CMS
  • Platforms & Ecosystems
  • Databases & APIs
  • Software & Automation
  • IoT Solutions
  • Art & Installations
  • Custom solutions
-> Learn about Solutions

Products end-to-end

  • Strategy & Analysis
  • Product & Project Management
  • Marketing
  • Concept & UX Design
  • Media & UI Design
  • Development & Testing
  • Operations & Maintenance
  • Extension & Adaptions


  • User-centered design
  • AI & ML
  • VR & AR
  • Micro services
  • Digitalization
  • Automation
  • SEO & SEA
  • (Rapid) Prototyping

Vision & Strategy

  • Vision Workshops
  • Transformation & Innovation
  • Technology Trends
  • Business Model
  • Go-to-Market
  • Brand & Marketing

Infrastructure & Technology

  • Digital Infrastructure
  • Data Analysis
  • Cloud Migration
  • Product
  • DevOps
  • Launch & Embedding

Organisation & Methods

  • Change Management
  • Lean Product Development
  • Agile Teams
  • Process Mining
  • Tools & Trainings
  • Digital Security & Data Protection

For services not listed here, we have a Lab to explore the unknown.

At Nua Solutions we bring
your ideas to life

We use the latest standards and product development methods to bring commercial success to sustainable projects. To build innovative solutions based on the vision of our partners and their users we harness the full power of interdisciplinary synergies and communities.

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Looking for end—to—end services?

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We provide you with smart strategies from our experts at Nua Consulting

Our consultants support you to connect people and technology with a human-centered focus.

In collaboration we evaluate your digital opportunities and elaborate concrete concepts.

We identify, validate, and pursue innovative ideas and product strategies as well as impactful business models.

We give advice and trainings on how to use new technologies, leverage the power of data and artificial intelligence, modernize core technology as well as automate and optimize processes.

Nua Studios Consulting

Exploring new spaces?
Let’s get started at Nua Labs

Klink sharing point - Nua Labs

Our Labs give the opportunity to explore and experiment with new technologies and methods.

We think out of the box and provide a virtual or physical space to test future-oriented digital services, innovative product ideas and new business models.

For newly initiated projects with a positive social or ecological impact, we provide affordable support by our experienced team.

At the heart of our work
we follow certain principles


We rely on a human-centered approach putting the expectations of our clients and end-users at the center of everything we do. We understand the unique challenges of each client and create customized solutions that truly meet their needs.


We work in the fastest, most agile and lean way possible while maintaining high quality. Our team quickly identifies and manages arising challenges resulting in productive and successful outcomes for our clients.


We come up with innovative, visionary ideas and are dedicated to creating beautiful, impactful and distinctive designs. We bring a unique and imaginative approach to every project, delivering results that are both aesthetically pleasing and effective.


We are committed to taking responsibility and being trustworthy to give our clients peace of mind. We can be counted on to deliver projects on time, within budget, and to the highest standards of quality.


We are able to quickly change course and adapt to new situations, respond effectively to changes in user needs, technology and the market in a rapidly evolving digital environment.


We find the most effective and pragmatic solutions for our clients prioritizing ease of management and maintenance. We ensure that all projects, products and processes run smoothly and with maximum efficiency.



Have a look at some of our recent projects

RECUPs Digital Ecosystem

One ecosystem to bring RECUPs services and experiences to customers, partners and delivery services. Including native Apps, Backend and Data Management.

Strategy, UX Design, UI Design, App Development, Backend & Data Management, Infrastructure



RECUP Digital Ecosystem

One ecosystem to bring RECUPs services and experiences to customers, partners and delivery services. Including native Apps, Backend and Data Management.

Strategy, UX Design, UI Design, App Development, Backend & Data Management, Infrastructure

-> View the project

Klink Sharing Platform

We make sharing resources of cooperatives easier than ever and connect it with smart sharing points.

Strategy, UX Design, UI Design, App Development, Backend & Data Management, Infrastructure

-> View the project

Unterkunft Organisation

We enable Unterkunft to support thousands of refugees to find accommodation. From strategy to live operations.

Strategy, UX Design, UI Design, App Development, Backend & Data Management, Infrastructure

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mPiano App

We connect the mPiano with a new interface to configure one of the most impressive music instruments as easily as a MIDI controller.

Strategy, UX Design, UI Design, App Development, Backend & Data Management, Infrastructure

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