We make sharing resources of cooperatives easier than ever and connect it with smart IoT.

Project Introduction
The modern online platform to share resources in quarters easily. Incorporating multiple sharing offers, flexible access rights, memberships and pricing groups as well as physical access.Connecting digital and analogue worlds.
Project Overview
Feb, 2020
– today
Strategy, Evaluation, Branding, UX Design, UI Design, Platform Development, Backend & Data Management, Architecture, Infrastructure
UI/UX Stack
Tech Stack
ReactJS, NextJS, Typescript, NodeJS, MongoDB, Fastify, Sentry


Project Methodology


Supporting multiple organisations to develop a community vision on how to live and act modern digital quarters. And bring it to life.


Talking to stakeholders and key users. Being patient and empathetic. Using methods and frameworks like design thinking, formative and summative Usability evaluations etc. Implementing a modern, lean and agile product development cycle. Ideate, prototype, fail, iterate and solve.


An easy to use online platform which reflects complex physical requirements and supports in making sharing and booking as straightforward and fun as possible.


Project Overview

Bringing It all together

In February 2020 the Munich housing cooperatives reached out to us to identify an appropriate solution to their needs in digitalization.
The domains included booking of shared resources, participation, discovery and exchange in quarters as well as co-working, energy management and mobility.
We therefore set up the strategy and processes to analyse and evaluate their needs.
We brought multiple organisations together, organised and facilitated workshops with stakeholders and spoke to a multitude of people and providers to evaluate existing solutions.
We then decided to start a brand an independent and brand new platform and up until now support from strategy and shaping the business model to constantly evolving the platform and its products.

Creating a new (visual) identity

With our amazing partners Eva Schlotter, Marie Kreckl and Florian Fischer from Helmut Morrison we facilitated the brand strategy and creation starting from people and their vision to the actual name and identity.

Concept & Innovate

We conducted more than 20 interviews with representatives of our target groups.
This way we identified more than 50 requirement domains including up to 20 sub areas which we afterwards transformed into usage and system requirements.
Based on extensive market and product research we began to translate our findings into process schemas and information architectures, came up with solutions drafts in the form of wireframes and user journeys and validated them in user tests and interviews.

Design & UI

From our previous steps we were now able to derive needs for our interfaces in terms of semantic and visual requirements.
The user test results were used to create an intuitive approach to discover and interact with the platform while aligning with common usage patterns.
UI kits were used to quickly draft complex information hierarchies and through iterations we moved to highly sophisticated clickdummy prototypes which were constantly validated in tests and interviews with our stakeholders.
We put a lot of detail into bringing our new brand to life in look and feel of the product.

Tech integration, Operations and Extension

We started with a modular setup to get up and running as soon as possible as well as testing and fixing implemented features.
With our lean and agile development team we started with three products all built internally on state-of-the-art Typescript, React and NodeJS frameworks: Administration Frontend, Customer Frontend and Backend.
Since our beta launch in 2020 we constantly improve existing features and add new modules in our sprints from discovery to delivery.
To always provide the technical layers actually needed we are also in charge to manage the infrastructure, moving from technical prototype to scalable clusters as well as monitoring, reporting and managing incidents.


Klink AppEase of use
Easily get access to commonly used resources close to you while booking at home or on the go.
Intuitive and solid
We deliver high class user experience known from industry leaders on sustainable infrastructure built for humans.
Klink KioskSharing access on-site
Kiosk UICustom tailored interface to control on-site machines to provide keys and tools by opening depots on user input.
Fully integratedFrom strategy, kick-off and prototyping to full integration on-site and in the admin panel we worked with the client and third-party providers.
Klink AdministrationManaging made easy
FlexibleWell-planned components allow for reusing and fast integration. This way we are able to shape the products to changing requirements
Custom built administration interface to control and manage resources on

Let’s hear some words from our friends and clients.

At RECUP, Nua Studios turned out to be a crucial partner as a one-stop shop for our digital product development. With the goal to digitalise our business model and launch two mobile apps in the process, they were ready to accompany us along every step, from discovery to ideation to implementation and maintenance.Not only was Nua Studios an exceptional partner for UI & UX, but also for the development of complex systems involving user authentication, payments, digital wallets and more.

We could feel that they really cared about our products by showing enthusiasm, bringing forward own ideas and always being available. We had a blast working together, and I hope we will again some day!

Sinan Saglam

Digital Product · RECUP

Nua Studios haben mit großer Begeisterung für Acker und viel Professionalität innerhalb kurzer Zeit eine wichtige interne Karten-Applikation entwickelt. Es war beeindruckend, wie schnell und tief sie sich in die interne Sprache und Prozesse reingedacht und so eine passgenaue Anwendung entwickelt haben.

Bettina Hartlich

Co-Clusterlead IT & Digitales · Acker e. V.

Georgia Homann

Nua Studios has not only enriched #UnterkunftUkraine with their comprehensive expertise, flexibility and sensational project management and thus contributed decisively to our success and purpose.

All Nua colleagues also bring genuine joy to meaningful projects, so that they were so much more than a supporting service provider in the classic sense - for us, they were full-fledged members of our team from the very beginning, from whom we also learned a lot along the way.

Georgia Homann

Project lead · Unterkunft Organisation

Anja Richard

Nua Studios sind seit der ersten Idee für Klink bis hin zum laufenden Betrieb eine wertvolle Unterstützung für uns. Dank des vielfältig aufgestellten Teams konnten sie Aufgaben von Konzeption über UX-/UI-Design bis hin zur Entwicklung und zum Betrieb übernehmen. Abhängig von der Produktreife haben wir so immer genau die Hilfe erhalten, die wir benötigt haben.

Besonders beeindruckend ist nicht nur die Flexibilität, sondern auch die exzellente Zusammenarbeit im Team, die stets funktional und gut abgestimmt ist.

Anja Richard

Product Manager · Klink

Mario Aiwasian

Ich habe Nua Studios gerne weiterempfohlen, weil es definitiv großen Bedarf an guten Partnern in der Entwicklung von IT Applikationen gibt und Handschlagqualität sowie Termin- und Kostentreue garantiert sind.

Die Zusammenarbeit mit Nua Studios war sehr professionell und vor allem inspirierend. Die Umsetzung der UI und UX unserer gamified Piano Learning App Wunderkind, sowie einer Webapplikation mit MIDI Schnittstelle zu einem MIDI Musikinstrument, waren erstaunlich intuitiv und optisch sehr ansprechend.

Mario Aiwasian

Gründer · Alpha Pianos und Wunderkind Piano App



Have a look at some of our recent projects

RECUPs Digital Ecosystem

One ecosystem to bring RECUPs services and experiences to customers, partners and delivery services. Including native Apps, Backend and Data Management.

Strategy, UX Design, UI Design, App Development, Backend & Data Management, Infrastructure



RECUP Digital Ecosystem

One ecosystem to bring RECUPs services and experiences to customers, partners and delivery services. Including native Apps, Backend and Data Management.

Strategy, UX Design, UI Design, App Development, Backend & Data Management, Infrastructure

-> View the project

Klink Sharing Platform

We make sharing resources of cooperatives easier than ever and connect it with smart sharing points.

Strategy, UX Design, UI Design, App Development, Backend & Data Management, Infrastructure

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Unterkunft Organisation

We enable Unterkunft to support thousands of refugees to find accommodation. From strategy to live operations.

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mPiano App

We connect the mPiano with a new interface to configure one of the most impressive music instruments as easily as a MIDI controller.

Strategy, UX Design, UI Design, App Development, Backend & Data Management, Infrastructure

-> View the project